No person shall be eligible as a member of Management Committee if he/she:-
a) Has been a member of the society for at least one year prior to the Annual General Meeting.
b) Has been adversely named by the Commissioner or his/her representative in an inquiry report
endorsed by an Annual or Special General Meeting for mismanagement or corrupt practices whilst
still a member of the management Committee of a co-operative society or union in the last ten
years, or named I any other national inquiries where he/she has been shown to be engaging in
dishonest activities.
c) Has been adversely named the Commissioner in an inquiry report for mismanagement or corrupt
practices while still a member of the committee of a society.
d) Has been charged and convicted of any offence involving dishonesty or is imprisoned for three
months or more with a crime involving fraud, perjury or breach of contract of licensed financial
e) Is delinquent on loans with the society for more than 60 days within two years prior to elections
f) Shall not have attained a minimum of “O” level Certificate of Education.
g) Is undischarged bankrupt
h) Is under 18 years of age
i) Is of unsound mind
j) Is a committee member of two other existing societies licensed under the Act;
k) Is an official of or holds a political office at any level
l) Does not conform to minimum qualifications standards in accordance to the applicable law.
m) Has not declared wealth as per the Public Officer’s Ethic Act.
n) Has been removed from the public office on disciplinary action.